Results for 'Fabiane Sarmento Oliveira Fruet'

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  1. Interação mediada por computador: hipermídia educacional nas atividades de estudo a distância.Fabiane Sarmento Oliveira Fruet & Fabio da Purificação de Bastos - 2010 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 15 (2):81-98.
    Com este artigo, pretendeu-se problematizar a integração da hipermídia educacional, nas Atividades de Estudo a Distância (AEDs), como possibilidade de potencializar a interação mediada por computador. Dessa forma, foram apresentadas algumas estratégias que embasaram o planejamento, a organização e a implementação de uma AED mediada pelo Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle). Assim, observou-se que é essencial que as AEDs sejam planejadas e organizadas didaticamente pelo professor, que define quais propósitos pretende alcançar no contexto de ensino e aprendizagem mediado pelas (...)
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  2. Interação mediada por computador: hipermídia educacional nas atividades de estudo a distância.Fábio da Purificação de Bastos & Fabiane Sarmento Oliveira Fruet - 2010 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 15 (2).
    Com este artigo, pretendeu-se problematizar a integração da hipermídia educacional, nas Atividades de Estudo a Distância (AEDs), como possibilidade de potencializar a interação mediada por computador. Dessa forma, foram apresentadas algumas estratégias que embasaram o planejamento, a organização e a implementação de uma AED mediada pelo Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle). Assim, observou-se que é essencial que as AEDs sejam planejadas e organizadas didaticamente pelo professor, que define quais propósitos pretende alcançar no contexto de ensino e aprendizagem mediado pelas (...)
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  3. Ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem e formação continuada de professores na modalidade a distância // Virtual learning environments and continuous teachers training in distance modality.Miguel Alfredo Orth, Fabiane Sarmento Oliveira Fuet, Janete Otte & Marcus Freitas Neves - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (1):42-58.
    Com este artigo, problematizou-se o potencial da formação continuada de professores por meio da educação a distância mediada pelo Moodle. Nessa perspectiva, pesquisou-se, principalmente, a integração hipermidiática das tecnologias nesse ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, no curso a distância de pós-graduação lato sensu em Mídias na Educação. Para isso, selecionou-se uma aula de uma disciplina desse curso oferecida no primeiro semestre de 2011 por uma universidade na qual um dos autores deste artigo trabalhou como professor-tutor. Assim, foi realizada uma investigação com (...)
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  4. Helio Jaguaribe e o PSDB: possibilidades e limites da ação intelectual na política partidária.Fabiane Costa Oliveira - 2007 - In Elio Cantalício Serpa & Marcos Antonio de Menezes, Escritas da história: narrativa, arte e nação. Uberlândia, Minas Gerais: EDUFU.
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  5. Reflexões sobre democracia E ativismo judicial.Fabiane Araújo de Oliveira & Raul Medeiros Bezerra da Costa - 2014 - Revista Fides 5 (2).
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    Aletheia, revista quadrimestral editada pelo Curso de Psicologia da Universidade Luterana do Brasil, publica artigos originais, relacionados à Psicologia, pertencentes às seguintes categorias: artigos de pesquisa, artigos de atualização, resenhas e comunicações. Os artigos são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores e as opiniões e julgamentos neles contidos não expressam necessariamente o pensamento dos Editores ou Conselho Editorial.Sofia Dias, Cristina Queirós, Mary Sandra Carlotto, Fernando C. Derenusson, Bernardo Jablonski, Rhaniele Sodré Ferreira, Cristal Oliveira Moniz de Aragão, Angela Arruda, Makilim Nunes Baptista & Fabián Javier Marin Rueda - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 32:1.
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    A Strategy to Improve Knowledge about Health Policies and Evidence Based Medicine for Federal Magistrates in Health Litigation.Bruno Barcala Reis, Marcus Carvalho Borin, Marcelo Dolzany da Costa, Renato Luís Dresch, Osvaldo Oliveira Araújo Firmo, Melissa Cordeiro Guimarães, Carla Barbosa Morais Alves, Nelio Gomes Ribeiro Junior, Ludmila Peres Gargano, Túlio Tadeu Rocha Sarmento, Pâmela Santos Azevedo, Isabella de Figueiredo Zuppo, Carolina Zampirolli Dias, Vania Cristina Canuto dos Santos, Juliana Alvares-Teodoro, Francisco de Assis Acurcio & Augusto Afonso Guerra Junior - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (4):807-817.
    Several countries maintain universal health coverage, which implies responsibility to organize delivery formats of healthcare services and products for citizens. In Brazil, the health system has a principle of universal access for more than 30 years, but many deficiencies remain and the country observes a day practice for those seeking judicial decisions to determine provision of healthcare.
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    Differences in visual search behavior between expert and novice team sports athletes: A systematic review with meta-analysis.Ana Filipa Silva, José Afonso, António Sampaio, Nuno Pimenta, Ricardo Franco Lima, Henrique de Oliveira Castro, Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo, Israel Teoldo, Hugo Sarmento, Francisco González Fernández, Agnieszka Kaczmarek, Anna Oniszczuk & Eugenia Murawska-Ciałowicz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundFor a long time, in sports, researchers have tried to understand an expert by comparing them with novices, raising the doubts if the visual search characteristics distinguish experts from novices. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to review and conduct a meta-analysis to evaluate the differences in visual search behavior between experts and novices in team sports athletes.MethodsThis systematic review with meta-analysis followed the PRISMA 2020 and Cochrane's guidelines. Healthy team athletes were included, which engaged in regular practice, (...)
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  9. Reconciling Algorithmic Fairness Criteria.Fabian Beigang - 2023 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 51 (2):166-190.
    Philosophy &Public Affairs, Volume 51, Issue 2, Page 166-190, Spring 2023.
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    In der Falle der Ambivalenz.Andrea Boelke-Fabian - 1998 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 50 (3):219-241.
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    Unravelling the developmental regulatory networks in early animals.Fabian Rentzsch & Maja Adamska - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (4):427-430.
    Graphical AbstractDevelopment, life cycle evolution and immunity were among the topics discussed at a recent meeting in Tutzing dedicated to the biology of the ‘basal’ metazoan taxa Porifera, Ctenophora, Placozoa and Cnidaria.
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    Comment on Michael Schefczyk: In Search of a Just Political Economy: Why We Should Go beyond Rawls’s POD and Schefczvk’s RUWS.Fabian Schuppert - 2013 - Analyse & Kritik 35 (1):213-218.
    This commentary challenges Michael Scliefczyk’s proposal for a realistically utopian welfare state (RUWS). As it stands, RUWS says too little about the concrete measures it will offer to avoid political domination and harmful inequalities. Moreover, RUWS follows Rawlsian Property-Owning Democracy (POD) by being silent on crucial issues such as banking regulation, the governance of investments and the issue of actual control over capital. Ultimately, it therefore seems that RUWS does not present an attractive alternative to POD since it suffers from (...)
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    Der Ursprung und Sinn des Bösen und des Seins der Welt: Zu einer theodizeeanalogen Frage im Vedānta und Buddhismus.Fabian Völker - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 22 (2):330-374.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft Jahrgang: 22 Heft: 2 Seiten: 330-374.
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    On the Advantages of Distinguishing Between Predictive and Allocative Fairness in Algorithmic Decision-Making.Fabian Beigang - 2022 - Minds and Machines 32 (4):655-682.
    The problem of algorithmic fairness is typically framed as the problem of finding a unique formal criterion that guarantees that a given algorithmic decision-making procedure is morally permissible. In this paper, I argue that this is conceptually misguided and that we should replace the problem with two sub-problems. If we examine how most state-of-the-art machine learning systems work, we notice that there are two distinct stages in the decision-making process. First, a prediction of a relevant property is made. Secondly, a (...)
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    Denken lernen Zug für Zug.Fabian Börchers - 2011 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59 (4):631-635.
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    (1 other version)Editorial - Aesthetic Reasons and Aesthetic Obligations.Fabian Dorsch - 2017 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 54 (1):3-19.
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    How Communication Between Nucleosomes Enables Spreading and Epigenetic Memory of Histone Modifications.Fabian Erdel - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (12):1700053.
    Nucleosomes “talk” to each other about their modification state to form extended domains of modified histones independently of the underlying DNA sequence. At the same time, DNA elements promote modification of nucleosomes in their vicinity. How do these site-specific and histone-based activities act together to regulate spreading of histone modifications along the genome? How do they enable epigenetic memory to preserve cell identity? Many models for the dynamics of repressive histone modifications emphasize the role of strong positive feedback loops, which (...)
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    (1 other version)International Bibliography of Austrian Philosophy / Internationale Bibliographie zur österreichischen Philosophie: IBÖP 1974-1975.Reinhard Fabian (ed.) - 1986 - BRILL.
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    Critical Theory's Philosophy.Fabian Freyenhagen - 2017 - In Freyenhagen Fabian, [no title].
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    Der Rest ist Schweigen – Wittgensteins Philosophie als Sprechverweigerung.Fabian Goppelsröder - 2008 - In Alice Lagaay & Emmanuel Alloa, Nicht(s) Sagen: Strategien der Sprachabwendung Im 20. Jahrhundert. Transcript. pp. 61-78.
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    Wittgensteins eigene philosophische Praxis.Fabian Goppelsröder - 2007 - In Zwischen Sagen Und Zeigen: Wittgensteins Weg von der Literarischen Zur Dichtenden Philosophie. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 85-90.
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    Dose–Response Matters! – A Perspective on the Exercise Prescription in Exercise–Cognition Research.Fabian Herold, Patrick Müller, Thomas Gronwald & Notger G. Müller - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Zur Häufung von Kulttiteln in Lykophrons Alexandra.Fabian Horn - 2021 - Hermes 149 (2):166.
    Lycophron’s riddling poem “Alexandra” is infamous for hardly ever calling anything by its proper name, but rather employing obscure and erudite metaphors, periphrases, and mythological allusions for people and events as well as local cult epithets for divinities. This article attempts to explain the fact that epithets for gods occur only rarely in isolation, but usually in clusters ranging from two to six different appellations. Assuming that this repetition of information is not merely empty redundancy, Hellenistic extravagance, or an ostentatious (...)
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    New city landscape – Mapping urban Twitter usage.Fabian Neuhaus - 2011 - Technoetic Arts 9 (1):31-48.
    The micro blogging platform Twitter is actively used by millions of people. By using the geo tags of the messages sent a virtual landscape of online activity at a certain place is generated to visualize the interface between the real-world location and the virtual activity. These New City Landscapes (NCL) visualize the amount of activity as density surfaces with hills, peaks and valleys. Across a set of different cities from around the world the resulting landscape morphologies are compared and characterized (...)
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    Universidad, entre Poiesis y Politeia.Fabián Alonso Pérez & Juan Carlos Franco Montoya - 2018 - Cuestiones de Filosofía 4 (23).
    Este manuscrito pretende plantear dos ideas: la primera problematiza el origen de la universidad en tanto creación humana en sentido pragmático (Kant, 1800), para luego abordarlo en perspectiva histórica desde tres momentos: Medieval, Clásico y Ancestral, retomando autores como Rashdal (1895), Haskings (1923), Ureña (1919), Ribeiro (1971) y Dussel (2004); posteriormente se plantea el origen de la universidad más allá de su historicidad, en el interior del ser humano como cultivo de la virtud y el conocimiento poiesis en Platón (380 (...)
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  26. La jouissance de l'incorporel: interpretatio christiana des Anciens chez Marsile Ficin (1433-1499).Fabián Javier Ludueña Romandini - 2007 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 139 (4):369-384.
    Cette étude présente le problème des rapports entre la philosophie platonicienne de l�amour et la théologie chrétienne dans la pensée de Marsile Ficin à travers l�étude du Nachleben, au temps des Médicis, de l�érotique des garçons comme paradigme de toute relation philosophique. Au fondement des théorisations ficiniennes sur l�amour se trouve le problème de l�illégitimité des relations charnelles entre mâles, clairement établie par la théologie morale de la scolastique médiévale. Ficin reprendra donc le texte du Banquet platonicien, afin de le (...)
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    Jürgen Habermas, Time of Transitions.Fabian Schuppert - 2008 - Critical Horizons 9 (1):104-107.
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    Otaku, subjectivity and databases: Hiroki Azuma’s Otaku: Japan’s database animals.Fabian Schäfer & Martin Roth - 2012 - .
  29. Grund-und Menschenrechte: Die Bedeutung der Unterscheidung vor dem Hintergrund der Verbindung von Normativität und Institutionalisierung.Fabian Wittreck - 2011 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 118 (2):328-351.
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    Nonverbal synchrony of head- and body-movement in psychotherapy: different signals have different associations with outcome.Fabian Ramseyer & Wolfgang Tschacher - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  31. The Unity of Imagining.Fabian Dorsch - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Please send me an email ( if you wish to receive a copy of the book. — 'In this highly ambitious, wide ranging, immensely impressive and ground-breaking work Fabian Dorsch surveys just about every account of the imagination that has ever been proposed. He identifies five central types of imagining that any unifying theory must accommodate and sets himself the task of determining whether any theory of what imagining consists in covers these five paradigms. Focussing on what he takes to (...)
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    Why Is There So Much More Research on Vision Than on Any Other Sensory Modality?Fabian Hutmacher - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  33. (1 other version)Adorno's practical philosophy: Living Less Wrongly.Fabian Freyenhagen - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Adorno notoriously asserted that there is no 'right' life in our current social world. This assertion has contributed to the widespread perception that his philosophy has no practical import or coherent ethics, and he is often accused of being too negative. Fabian Freyenhagen reconstructs and defends Adorno's practical philosophy in response to these charges. He argues that Adorno's deep pessimism about the contemporary social world is coupled with a strong optimism about human potential, and that this optimism explains his negative (...)
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    Biological functions and dysfunctions: a selected dispositions approach.Fabian Hundertmark & Marlene van den Bos - 2024 - Biology and Philosophy 39 (2):1-20.
    Justin Garson has recently argued that proper functions are proximal activities of traits selected by phylogenetic or ontogenetic selection processes, and that traits are dysfunctional only if they cannot perform their proper functions for constitutional reasons. We partially agree with Garson, but reject the view that functions are proximal activities, as well as his account of dysfunctions. Instead, we propose our own theory that biological functions are selected dispositions and that a trait is dysfunctional in virtue of not having the (...)
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    Understanding the Phonetic Characteristics of Speech Under Uncertainty—Implications of the Representation of Linguistic Knowledge in Learning and Processing.Fabian Tomaschek & Michael Ramscar - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:754395.
    The uncertainty associated with paradigmatic families has been shown to correlate with their phonetic characteristics in speech, suggesting that representations of complex sublexical relations between words are part of speaker knowledge. To better understand this, recent studies have used two-layer neural network models to examine the way paradigmatic uncertainty emerges in learning. However, to date this work has largely ignored the way choices about the representation of inflectional and grammatical functions (IFS) in models strongly influence what they subsequently learn. To (...)
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    Yet Another Impossibility Theorem in Algorithmic Fairness.Fabian Beigang - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (4):715-735.
    In recent years, there has been a surge in research addressing the question which properties predictive algorithms ought to satisfy in order to be considered fair. Three of the most widely discussed criteria of fairness are the criteria called equalized odds, predictive parity, and counterfactual fairness. In this paper, I will present a new impossibility result involving these three criteria of algorithmic fairness. In particular, I will argue that there are realistic circumstances under which any predictive algorithm that satisfies counterfactual (...)
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  37. Panpsychism and the emergence of consciousness: a proposal for a new solution to the mind-body problem.Fabian Klinge - 2020 - Berlin, Germany: J.B. Metzler.
    In this book Fabian Klinge develops a novel approach for explaining phenomenal consciousness. He defends a version of panpsychism, that is the theory, that (some of) the fundamental physical entities exhibit consciousness. However, in contrast to standard conceptions of the view, the author does not take human consciousness to be grounded in but emergent from the consciousness of elementary particles. In this form, he argues, panpsychism can overcome the doctrine’s Achilles' heel, the combination problem, without running into similarly severe problems—thus (...)
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    Spielen ist unwahrscheinlich: eine Theorie der ludischen Aktion.Fabian Arlt - 2020 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Edited by Hans-Jürgen Arlt.
    Begründet und entfaltet wird ein Begriff des Spiels, der sich um Lockungen und Drohungen des Unerwarteten dreht. Das Autorenduo ordnet seine Theorie der ludischen Aktion in klassische Konzepte des Spiels ein sowie in den aktuellen Diskurs der Game Studies. Die phänomenale Mannigfaltigkeit des Spiels wird in historischer Perspektive skizziert und in systematischer Weise gegliedert. Die Autoren erläutern medientechnische und kommunikative Voraussetzungen des Booms der Computerspiele und reflektieren die Diskussion über Eskalationen ludischer Gewalt. Kritisch ausgeleuchtet werden Instrumentalisierungen des Spiels, die sich (...)
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    On being stuck: the pandemic crisis as affective stasis.Fabian Bernhardt & Jan Slaby - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (5):1145-1162.
    The Covid-19 pandemic put forth a new kind of affective exhaustion. Being forced to stay at home, diminish social interactions and reduce the scale of their everyday mobility, many people experienced boredom, sluggishness, and existential immobility. While state-imposed pandemic policies changed rapidly, everyday life remained strangely unmoving. A sense of being stuck unfurled―as if not only social life, but time itself had come to a halt. At the same time, there was a latent sense of tension and increased aggressiveness which (...)
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  40. The good, the bad, and the normative: The problem of normativity in Adorno's philosophy.Fabian Freyenhagen - unknown
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    Zur heuristischen Qualität des Reduktionismus.Fabian Lausen - 2014 - Münster: Mentis.
  42. Towards ontology evaluation across the life cycleThe Communiqué of the Ontology Summit 2013.Fabian Neuhaus, Amanda Vizedom, Ken Baclawski, Mike Bennett, Mike Dean, Michael Denny, Michael Grüninger, Ali Hashemi, Terry Longstreth & Leo Obrst - forthcoming - Applied ontology.
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  43. Gestaltung des Rechts: Agamben.Fabian Steinhauer - 2006 - In Sonja Buckel, Ralph Christensen & Andreas Fischer-Lescano, Neue Theorien des Rechts. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius. pp. 187--211.
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    One size does not fit all: Constructing complementary digital reskilling strategies using online labour market data.Fabian Stephany - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    Digital technologies are radically transforming our work environments and demand for skills, with certain jobs being automated away and others demanding mastery of new digital techniques. This global challenge of rapidly changing skill requirements due to task automation overwhelms workers. The digital skill gap widens further as technological and social transformation outpaces national education systems and precise skill requirements for mastering emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, remain opaque. Online labour platforms could help us to understand this grand challenge of (...)
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  45. Frieden und minimale Gerechtigkeit.Fabian Wendt - 2012 - In Alfred Dunshirn, Elisabeth Nemeth & Gerhard Unterthurner, Crossing Borders. Grenzen (Über)Denken. Beiträge Zum 9. Internationalen Kongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Philosophie in Wien. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Philosophie. pp. 632-642.
    In diesem Text skizziere ich erstens – auch in Abgrenzung zu alternativen Friedensbegriffen aus der Geschichte der Philosophie und der Friedensforschung – einen Friedensbegriff, der eine plausible Zielvorstellung für pluralistische, auch in Gerechtigkeitsfragen gespaltene Gesellschaften abgeben könnte. Zweitens diskutiere ich den Einwand, dass hier unter dem Deckmantel einer neuen Terminologie in Wirklichkeit eine minimalistische, libertäre Gerechtigkeitsvorstellung propagiert wird.
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  46. Focused Daydreaming and Mind-Wandering.Fabian Dorsch - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (4):791-813.
    In this paper, I describe and discuss two mental phenomena which are somewhat neglected in the philosophy of mind: focused daydreaming and mind-wandering. My aim is to show that their natures are rather distinct, despite the fact that we tend to classify both as instances of daydreaming. The first difference between the two, I argue, is that, while focused daydreaming is an instance of imaginative mental agency, mind-wandering is not—though this does not mean that mind-wandering cannot involve mental agency at (...)
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    Explaining compound generalization in associative and causal learning through rational principles of dimensional generalization.Fabian A. Soto, Samuel J. Gershman & Yael Niv - 2014 - Psychological Review 121 (3):526-558.
  48. Honneth on social pathologies: a critique.Fabian Freyenhagen - 2015 - Critical Horizons 16 (2):131-152.
    Over the last two decades, Axel Honneth has written extensively on the notion of social pathology, presenting it as a distinctive critical resource of Frankfurt School Critical Theory, in which tradition he places himself, and as an alternative to the mainstream liberal approaches in political philosophy. In this paper, I review the developments of Honneth's writing on this notion and offer an immanent critique, with a particular focus on his recent major work "Freedom's Right". Tracing the use of, and problems (...)
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    Freedom, recognition and non-domination: a republican theory of (global) justice.Fabian Schuppert (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Springer.
    This book offers an original account of a distinctly republican theory of social and global justice. The book starts by exploring the nature and value of Hegelian recognition theory. It shows the importance of that theory for grounding a normative account of free and autonomous agency. It is this normative account of free agency which provides the groundwork for a republican conception of social and global justice, based on the core-ideas of freedom as non-domination and autonomy as non-alienation. As the (...)
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    Modeling Music-Selection Behavior in Everyday Life: A Multilevel Statistical Learning Approach and Mediation Analysis of Experience Sampling Data.Fabian Greb, Jochen Steffens & Wolff Schlotz - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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